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If nothing more, Smilee is community đź’™

Whether it’s a warm “bg”, ruthless copypasta, a pic of (real) pasta in food critics, flexing profits or loss porn in the PnL channel, feetpix reviews, or persistent vibes from Giga Smilooors, you are integral to the existence of Smilee.

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Redacted in the front, we like the tech in the back

Despite creating novel & complex derivatives protocol, Smilee & its community doesn’t take itself too seriously on the surface. It’s fun, and that’s probably why you’re here.


First & foremost, communicate

Our Discord is where chads, stickers, pastas, and more thrive.

Whether it’s shitposting or giga brained discussion on options trading and market outlook, it’s the first thing new kings & queens see upon arrival becoming life-long Smilooors.

Simply communicating is the fastest way to earn roles, which earn you points:

<aside> đź’Ş Certified Chad

If you consistently engage in the cooomunity in a quality way, you’ll get the Certified Chad role.


<aside> 🍝 Pasta Chef

If you’re a relentless copypasta curator & paster in the copypasta channel, and frequently flex your foodpix from home or bougie nights out in the food-critics channel, you will earn the honor of a Pasta Chef


<aside> 🧠 This is my Quant

If you consistently engage in technical trading discussion, flex gainz or loss porn in the PnL channel, or share market outlook in the trade analysis channel, you’ll earn the This is my Quant role.


<aside> 🎫 Giga Smilooor

The pico top (for now)… but you can only earn this role by collecting Certified Chads, Pasta Chef, and This is my Quant.
